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Een kijkje achter de schermen bij de shoot van de nieuwe zomer collectie!

Een kijkje achter de schermen bij de shoot van de nieuwe zomer collectie!

Nieuw beeldmateriaal om op je los te laten, je hebt het misschien al gezien. Op zo’n shoot komen heel wat dingen samen. De collectie komt helemaal tot leven! We nemen jullie graag mee behind the scenes van onze laatste fotoshoot.

Locatie van de dag: Designmuseum Gent, in het centrum van onze bakermat. Het museum geeft de collectie een prachtig krachtig kader. Statische architectuur waarin de kleuren en vormen van de collectie ten volle tot hun recht kunnen komen.

Kiezen tussen de piece uniques waaruit de collectie bestaat is niet eenvoudig. We willen je een zo compleet mogelijk beeld geven van alle uithoeken en mogelijkheden van deze collectie. Een puzzel die we tot een sterke eenheid willen vormen.  Fris, fruitig en fel all the way. Zowel in de collectie als in de make-up. Vrolijkheid alom! 

Tijd voor het echte werk. Picture time! Deze shoot werd gefotografeerd door Annelie Vandendael, we werkten al eerder met haar samen. Annelie zorgt ervoor dat de speelse maar toch ook elegante sfeer waar we voor gaan nog meer naar voren wordt gebracht. Door de interactie tussen model en de architectuur komen we tot prachtige resultaten. Ook de dansbewegingen en de elegante handen in beeld tonen je hoe de kleren eruit zien wanneer ze echt gedragen worden, hoe ze vallen in beweging. 

Dit alles zorgt voor krachtige resultaten met een echte AMA-look. Bekijk hieronder de foto’s of ga naar onze webshop om al de resultaten te zien!

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Studio AMA and Billie Cup join forces for a world without disposables

sweater billie billiecup

On the 1st of May the second edition of Mei Plasticvrijwas launched. This public campaign encourages Belgians to reduce their plastic consumption during the month of May. Excellent timing for the launch of the reusable coffee cup Billie Cupin Ghent. People who pay close attention, will also spot §2.SWEATERs in the images of the launch.

The public campaign Mei Plasticvrij This campaign on the ecological impact of plastic consumption aims to reduce the use of disposable plastic for one month. That was music to the ears of Ineke Van Nieuwenhove (the woman behind Mei Plasticvrij) and Vanessa Debruyne, the creators of the new reusable cup Billie Cup. They considered Mei Plasticvrij the perfect opportunity to introduce their product.

koffiebeker billiecup ecologisch herbruikbaar meisje beker studio ama ethische mode duurzaam sociaal ecologisch transparant
foto: © Koen Keppens

A new system for reusable cups

Billie Cup is niet zomaar een herbruikbare beker, want met dit  initiatief willen Ineke Van Nieuwenhove en Vanessa Debruyne net inspelen op het feit dat je jouw not always carrying their own cup of coffee when the overwhelming appetite for coffee strikes them. They learned from the example of interchangeable cups on festivals, and devised a similar system for reusable coffee cups.

Since early May, in about 20 restaurants and shops in Ghent, a Billie Cup is available, which can either be reused or redeemedin one of the participating shops, so that customers can recover their paid deposit. This is how Ineke and Vanessa not only aim to reduce the number of disposable coffee cups, but also provide an alternative to distracted coffee drinkers whose reusable cup is still on the counter. We feel you.

foto: © Koen Keppens

Reducing the number of disposable coffee cups is a matter of urgency. Coffee cups usually consist of a mixture of paper and plastic,making them non-recyclable and taking about 30 years to decompose. With one coffee, you create 30 years of waste. Every year about half a trillion cups are thrown away worldwide. Unbelievable, imagine that waste mountain!

Joining forces to fight disposables

It should come as no surprise that Billie Cup and Studio AMA were able to connect with each other's stories. Just like in the world of instant pre-train coffee, there is also in the world of fashion a deep-rooted throw-away culture.The average fashion brand produces as many as 50 collections a year, which are often thrown out of one's wardrobe just as quickly as they got in. Just think of the last item you bought yourself. How often do you really wear it?

The encounter between the two disposable allergic initiatives can be traced back to the MISS election van de Startersfabriek, de Sociale InnovatieFabriek en De Punt. Daar vielen zowel  Billie Cup als Studio AMA in de prijzen, als two of the ten most inspiring social starters in Ghent. Both startups are looking for solutions for an ecologically responsible lifestyle. When Ineke and Vanessa started looking for the right looks for the Billie Cup campaign, a collaboration soon was born.

foto: © Koen Keppens

And whom did we spot on Billie Cup's campaign photo? Indeed! The §2.SWEATERs by Studio AMA,made from residual flows from a mattress manufacturer. Each in their own way, Studio AMA and Billie Cup strive made from residual flows from a mattress manufacturer. Each in their own way, Studio AMA and Billie Cup strive to change our way of life. Less disposables, more authenticity and care for each other. To put it with an African proverb: "If you want to go fast, you have to go alone. If you want to go far, you have to go together."

At Studio AMA, we are very grateful to be able to contribute to Billie Cup's ambitious mission to change the world of coffee.

foto: © Koen Keppens
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Make your wardrobe go nuts

Buying sustainable fashion is important, but to have an ethical wardrobe, it is advisable to maintain one's clothes properly, i.e. in a way that takes the best care of both the clothes and the environment. Meet soapnuts!

Come again?

Soap nuts are the fruits of the Sapindus tree. This name is derived from the Latin word 'sapo' which means soap and 'indus' which stands for India. It is no surprise that these trees are mainly found in South and North India, and in Nepal.

In India, the fruits of the sea nut tree have been used for centuries to do the laundry. And under the growing movement towards a more sustainable lifestyle, they are also becoming more and more common in our regions. But why is that?

Clean laundry without chemicals

One of the special features of soapnuts is that they can be used as an environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic detergents. The brown peels contains a substance called saponin, produced by the Sapindus tree to protect its fruits from insects.

If the nuts come into contact with water, saponin has the same cleansing effect as soap. Saponin is natural and it protects your washing machine and your clothes. Soapnuts are therefore more suitable for people with allergies and sensitive skin.

Why wouldn't you do it?

Soapnuts are convenient and easy to use. Simply put the nuts in a cotton bag and place them in your washing machine. You can compost the nuts after usage. Who said zero waste was difficult?

In contrast to Germany and the Netherlands, the soapnuts are seldom available in our regular shops. Fortunately, many a low impact man and woman now knows the way to stores where well-known brands such as Seepje and Ecozone are available.

Tests have shown that the result is less good for solving grease stains. Some Marseille soap might help. Also, white laundry can become pale after prolonged use. It is therefore advisable to add 1 to 2 tablespoons of soda per wash.
Because the nuts grow solely in tropical or subtropical climates, the transport of Indian soapnuts to Europe is not very ecological. Fortunately, soapnuts are not the only plants that contain saponin. As a more local alternative one can also use ivy leaves, spinach or even peas. It is possible to put them in an old sock and place them into the washing machine. Transport- and cost-efficient!

Have you ever done your laundry with soap nuts? Would you recommend it to others? I am interested in your personal experiences.